The Official DrZaius Site for MUGEN and Minecraft
An Amazing Journey: Adventure Edition

This is An Amazing Journey, my first adventure map. It's maze-themed so yes, the title is a pun. I originally released it in 2013 and have updated it throughout the years. This latest version optimized the entire map to work in Adventure mode (thus the subtitle). It was also updated to make use of all the added features in Minecraft version 1.12.2.
There are 7 mazes in this map, plus several puzzles and dozens of collectables, so you're gonna be kept busy for a while.
The second download link contains the same map but with no resource pack.
An Amazing Journey 2: Redstone Boogaloo

This is the sequel to An Amazing Journey and was originally released in 2015. There are more mazes and more puzzles to solve though now the map is a little harder because of the requirements to access new mazes. Much like in Super Mario 64, you need to obtain a certain number of collectables before you can access the next area. Current version will work with 1.12.2.
An Amazing Journey 3: Endergame

Finally, after five long years, my magnus opium is complete! An Amazing Journey 3: Endergame is finally done! Lots more to do in this map. It's probably about 50% larger than my previous maps and a lot more spread out. There are 7 full maps plus TONS of extras (though not nearly as many books to read). Current version works with Minecraft 1.15.2. Do not use 1.16+ for this map.
An Amazing Journey: Ender Space

Bonus mini-map! Think of this as a companion piece to Endergame. It's a side story with an extra maze. I created it for a map-building competition with the theme of "empty space" and I had one week to build it. I learned some new tricks for this map but it's still only for 1.15.2. Do not use 1.16+ for this map.
An Amazing Bathroom Run

Another (unexpected) bonus mini-map! This one is more of a parody of my other maps. I created this as a contribution to the Project Run obstacle course map, created by the Minigame Makers group. This massive project, with contributions from dozens of other creators, was eventually revealed to the public during the online CubedCon event back in mid-October. My contribution was originally going to be included but, from what I've heard, it didn't pass the muster with the CubedCon people (probably due to being too awesome, is my guess). So here it is as its own map, for everyone to enjoy. Also, it was created using Minecraft 1.19! Didn't use 1.15.2 this time.
An Amazing Journey: A Bogus Chapter

This is A Bogus Chapter. It's a maze map of a different kind. I introduce a different style of maze, inspired by a certain 80s film. It's not like the typical maze you find in my other maps. I made it for 1.20.4 and, fortunately, I didn't have to edit block states too often. That bug introduced in 1.16 is still floating around.
An Amazing Delivery

A small peek at the life of an employee working in the Delivery Department of a galaxy-spanning mega corporation. This small map was created in 3 days as part of a Yeggs map jam competition. For my map, I had chosen the themes "2 dimensions" and "delivery". It consists of one small maze, but you have to navigate through the maze 4 different ways. Note: I did make a few changes for this final release from the version that was submitted to the competition.
An Amazing Journey: Inner Office Space

I guess this can be considered the third in the Office trilogy. The other two would be A Bogus Chapter and An Amazing Delivery. In this map, I really make use of the attribute commands to put the player in environments of different sizes. I also designed some mazes that I always wanted to create. There are 3 mazes total. I think with this release, I've truly run out of ideas for mazes.
For now, anyway.